Cup 90Cl Customizable with 1 ink

Cup 90 Cl reusable Customizable with 1 ecological polypropylene ink, ideal for all types of sustainable events

Make your purchase by 12 hours and 08 minutes to receive this product on December 19, 2024
Total without Taxes: 2.6620


Ideal glass for pints of beer and mixed with ice

90 Cl Cup of Reusable Polypropylene Customizable with 1 ecological ink, ideal for all types of sustainable events.

Descargar ficha técnicas para productos reutilizables y personalizablesDownload printing template for 90CL Reusable Cup Customizable in 1 ink.

Descargar ficha técnicas para productos reutilizables y personalizablesDownload Pantones template for a 90 CL Reusable Cup Customizable in 1 ink.

Descargar ficha técnicas para productos reutilizables y personalizablesCup Katxi 90 cl technical sheet.